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Tuesday, January 18, 2011


It’s been a while since I talked about my student “Maiden.” He’s the one who was holding my hands and begging me to stop cutting my hair. He’s famous at ASD for his multiple daily drawings of people – staff, students, family… The other day, we had a discussion about drawings:
Liz: “Are you gonna draw a picture of me bald?”
Maiden: “No!”
Liz: “Why not?”
Maiden: “It hurts my heart.”
Well, he’s moved on since then. A few days after this conversation, he actually painted a picture of me bald, without me asking!
He presented it to me with a smile, saying “it’s you, pelón!” Which means bald, in Spanish.

To give you a little history of the significance of Maiden drawing me with no hair, allow me to present you with some past drawings:

This is me (note the awesome hair):

This is me on my wedding day (note the veil):

This is the whole picture, my husband and me:

The hair is always a big part of his pictures. Here’s another one he drew of me, his second one of me bald:
I had him explain to me why it appeared that I had hair when I don’t really have any hair. Apparently, the red part is my bald head, and when I asked him why I have hair in the picture, he proceeded to walk around me and point to the “AREC” I have shaved into my head and say, sarcastically, something to the effect of “hello, it’s this!” It seems so obvious now, doesn’t it? =)

I’m so happy he did these portraits, because it tells me that he’s taking steps towards acceptance. My other students, on the other hand, continue to enjoy laughing at me! I’m loving this whole thing!

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