Thank you to everyone who contributed!

Thank you to everyone who contributed!

Further tax-deductible donations will go towards technology to supplement the MacBook. :)

Friday, April 8, 2011


So as I rapidly approach the $1500 mark ($1440 as of 4/7/11), I had a thought. Let me back up for a minute though…

When I came up with this project, my first idea was to shave my hair into a mohawk.
Then I thought, why not just go for the whole head? In any case, this is definitely the direction I’m thinking when I start to grow my hair back, but I thought, why not start now? I’d still shave the sides. And yes, that would mean I could still shave patterns.
And let’s face it, I’d still pretty much be bald. At least that’s what my husband keeps telling me, the poor man! He can’t wait for me to grow my hair back… Still, he argues that a mohawk is still not having hair, and says it’ll look silly on me. Ok, I admit, when I tried this for fun back in December, it did not look all that great:
But I say, if it continues to look silly as it gets longer, I can always shave it off. I mean, I already know what I look like completely bald!

In a way, the fact that my next monetary goal is beyond the halfway point is to symbolize that I want to go above and beyond even my goal of getting my dream $2800 MacBook. I would love to help out ASD’s other programs who don’t have their own MacBook yet. But I digress…

So will you help me get to $1500 so I can grow myself a mohawk?

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