Alright, it’s about time to show you some of my most recent designs!
First up, we have “BtL” – my own “logo” for Back to Life Chiropractic:
Prep... |
February 19 |
February 22 |
And the hand print idea that was funded a while back:
Something like this... |
Easiest design to prep so far! |
February 26 |
March 1 |
March 5 |
I asked my student “Maiden” what he would think if I made the hand into a “rock out” sign. He makes the hand sign for “love” when he’s rocking out, so I figured that would be a good tribute to him. He said it would be awesome, so I went for it:
March 9 |
March 12 |
March 15 |
The next person to donate is another runner from AREC. He runs barefoot. So even though he didn’t have an idea for a design, I just had to pay tribute to him this way:
Prep... |
March 5 |
The next time I tried to re-shave the foot, I almost destroyed the toes, but was able to save them by separating them from the foot:
March 9 |
March 12 |
March 15 |
Someone suggested to me on my birthday that I do a special design. I didn’t want to get rid of the rock out hand, so I made the foot into 2 birthday candles, and shaved an 8 into the hand. Any guesses on how old I turned this birthday?
March 22 |
"Maiden" drew me a birthday cake - note the 2 candles! |
One of our music instructors pointed out that the letters are actually notes: two eight notes, a quarter note, and a quarter rest!
I had let the design grow out a bit more than usual this time – look at all the hair I shaved off!
March 25 |
Well, after having the same designs on my head for a while, I decided to start over with a blank slate:
March 28 |
What ideas will be next?
This canvas is yours! |
And now, story time…
So I’ve heard that many people have been praying for me. They think I have cancer. Thank you for your prayers, but please redirect them to:
· Kids with cancer. I donated my hair to Locks of Love. Please pray for healing for these kids, and also that receiving wigs from Locks of Love will make them feel more “normal” and accepted.· My fundraising. It is my desire that my story will open the world’s eyes to people with disabilities (my students), what they’re capable of and how wonderful they are, and that it will inspire others to give. I don’t like asking for money. I love sharing my story.
I was at Target the other day, and I overheard an employee say “she’s got a hand on her head!” So I turned around, and she motioned for me to come over, saying she wanted to take a closer look. She said that at first she thought I had chemo and was just growing my hair back, but when she saw the hand shaved onto my head, she thought “never mind!”It’s in situations like this where I overcome my shy nature and it seems like I can talk to anyone. I think being bald has really caused me to open up. I can’t care what others think, because they’re probably either thinking I’m sick, or I’m brave. Most people seem to have a positive reaction to the designs on my bald head. I wonder what it will be like when I start to grow my hair out…
As I walked up to the register at a Starbucks by work, the employee at the register said to me, “that’s an interesting hair style!” I explained that it was a fundraiser, and told him about the designs, which he then pointed to and said, “hey, you might as well go with it!” He didn’t really seem too interested in hearing any more, but I appreciated that he was straightforward in commenting on my hair style!
As I was leaving another Starbucks by my house a couple months ago, there was a man getting onto his motorcycle just outside. He looked like your typical “tough guy,” but his leather jacket had a bright yellow design that said “Soldiers for Jesus.”
Seeing this guy just reminded me that we shouldn’t judge people for the way they look. I’m not just talking about me and my crazy looking shaved head. It would be easy judge my students by the way they look, and assume that they can’t do something, instead of just trying it. I’m always amazed at how much they can do, if I simply ask. Who knows what they’ll be able to do with a computer – I can’t wait to find out!
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