Thank you to everyone who contributed!

Thank you to everyone who contributed!

Further tax-deductible donations will go towards technology to supplement the MacBook. :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


So I’ve had a few people recommend to me that I have people donate money for me NOT to shave my head. Therefore, I have a plan. You can donate to support one of two things:
1.   Go bald! You support me shaving my entire head.
2.   Save Liz’s hair! You support me cutting my hair only to my shoulders.
Either way, the money will go towards a MacBook, and I will donate the hair to Locks of Love. However, whatever side gets more total donations is what I will do. Bring on the competition!
I must say though, that somehow rumor has spread that I’m not in favor of going bald. Wrong! While I do love my hair when I actually take time to straighten it (which is not often), I’m ready to try a new bold look. Also, I’m sure the child who has a bald head because of cancer would appreciate longer locks, which I can only do if I donate my entire head of hair. Mine will always grow back. So, I’m voting for #1 – let’s see what everyone else thinks! Maybe you think I should go for it – go bald or go home! Or maybe you think it would be such a shame for me to not have any hair at all! I know which side my husband is on…what about you?
Will your side win??

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