So this post has been a long time coming, but as I’m sure anyone understands, things get suddenly very busy around the holidays. I did, however, take the time to edit some pictures of my hair using the Camera+ app on my phone. I hope you’ll enjoy seeing the drastic difference of styles my hair has gone through since December 10, 2010.
12/10/10 |
Even within the week of December 10, 2011, my hair changed a lot! Observe... One week before the anniversary, the blonde from when I bleached it on October 12th has grown out, and you can see my natural hair color underneath:
12/3 |
You can also see the natural curl in my hair returning:
12/3 |
12/5 |
12/5 |
12/5 |
The mohawk is more of a fauhawk, an “essence” of the past, if you will:
12/5 |
12/5 |
Here’s some more of that natural curl. I made a “wave” by twisting the hair while it was wet:
12/5 |
12/6 |
12/6 |
Later that day, I tried to “straighten” it:
12/6 |
I also had fun with my Camera+ app editing these photos into bright colors and a “grunge” look:
12/6 |
12/6 |
12/6 |
Here I tried to see if it would still “spike” straight up:
12/6 - It didn't stay like this for long! |
Usually whatever I do to my hair when it’s wet is how it will stay when it dries. Some days I have to give in and let it fall down. Sometimes this ends up looking alright:
12/7 |
And some times it does cooperate and stand up!
12/9 |
But when I ride my bike, it tends to look like this afterwards:
12/10 - Helmet hair! |
One year to the date after shaving my head, this is what my hair looks like, once I’ve washed my helmet hair:
12/10 |
A few days later, I tried putting some gel in:
12/15 |
The next day, I actually made pigtails!
12/16 |
If you look at them from a certain angle, it’s an illusion of me having “real” hair again:
12/16 |
And then you have the sweatband. Perfect for warmer running days when a full hat would just be too much. Kinda makes me look like a ninja or something:
12/17 |
One day I went a little crazy and decided to see if I could put all of my hair up in mini ponytails. 8 hair ties later, voilá!
12/19 |
12/19 |
In the end though, this story is not about my hair. It’s about creating opportunities for my students to be able to utilize technology that anyone else like you or I would have access to. As this year comes to an end, my focus for the next semester’s classes highly emphasizes technology – recording music on the computer and iPad to make CD’s, creating music videos, using the internet to research the history of songs, finding musical apps on the iPad…the list goes on and on!
And once again, I’m still looking for funds to purchase an external hard drive to protect all of this valuable creativity that’s being captured.
Honestly…can I be really honest for a minute? I really can’t stand asking for money. This may come as a surprise, since I asked for and received $1650 throughout this project. I’ve grown a lot in this whole process, in being more outgoing, and just learning to ASK.
So many people want to give money, but no one is bold enough to ask! So if it’s on your heart, please consider making a tax-deductible donation. One way or another, we will find a way – and you can be a part of that!
Thank you so much to everyone who has contributed to the project, whether financially, or simply by supporting my students with positive thoughts – even if you’ve never met them. I know they appreciate it!